Happy New Year! Wohlberg Family Pics / Spiritual Goals 2024


Happy New Year! 

Before I share my spiritual goals for 2024, I want to post three friendly family pictures. How important is the family? To me, words can’t express its value. God’s sacred plan is for husbands, wives, and children to put Him first and stick together. I also realize that many people are hurting today because life has been hard. My journey has sometimes been tough for me, too. But, by God’s grace, I’m still trusting Jesus. These days, much of my life involves writing, traveling, speaking, and ministry. Over the holidays, I took a much-needed break to enjoy some wholesome activities with my wife Kristin, and our two precious children, Seth and Abby. Here are two pictures of three of us floating down a river. The route was sometimes challenging, but worth the effort!

Here is our latest family picture:

We are not a trouble-free or temptation-free family, and we need daily help from Jesus. Some of you have told me that you pray for us. Thank you so much! We appreciate all the prayers that come our way. 

Here are my spiritual goals for 2024: (1) Draw closer to Jesus, John 15:4. (2) Receive more of His Holy Spirit, Luke 11:13. (3) By God’s grace, keep the Ten Commandments, Rev. 14:12. (4) Be a better husband and father, Eph. 5:25; 6:4. (5) Faithfully teach the Three Angels’ Messages, Rev. 14:6-12. (6) Strengthen my health, 3 John 2. (7) Reveal more of the meekness of Jesus, Matt. 11:29. (8) Avoid judging others, Matt. 7:1. (9) Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God, Micah 6:8. (10) Help people prepare for the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Revelation 22:7. 

How about you? What are your goals? Feel free to post comments on our Facebook page

Join us this Thursday at 4:00 PM (Pacific time) for our next Thursday LIVE discussing the Ten Commandments. 

Finally, we appreciate so much those who donated at the end of 2023. Thank you!

May 2024 be kind to us all as we await THE BIG DAY. 

One Comment

  1. Dear Pastor, thank you for sharing your goals with us. My goals are pretty much the same as yours. Maranatha. Wishing you and family all the very best for 2024 and the God of the Universe will continue to bless you and your family as you strive to be like Him. Keep pressing on in Jesus’ Name.
    Pauline Brown

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