About Us

White Horse Media is a Christian media ministry based in Priest River, Idaho. Our name was carefully chosen for many reasons and is based upon the book of Revelation’s unique description of Jesus Christ triumphantly riding “a white horse” when He returns to planet Earth at His Second Coming. God’s last book declares:

I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS

(Revelation 19:11-16)

The entire White Horse Media team is committed to:

  • Jesus Christ, the rider on the white horse
  • The Word of God above the traditions of men
  • The Good News of His love and salvation
  • Preparing others for His soon return
  • Purity in our dealings with God and man

By the grace of God we are now “revealing His light in darkness” through radio, television, books, CDs, DVDs, public seminars, and the World Wide Web. We trust daily in the guidance and leadership of the One who promised, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20).

We Believe

The following is not meant to be the formation of a creed, but is rather a statement of beliefs based on solid biblical teachings. We invite all readers to follow the example of the noble Bereans who, nearly two thousand years ago, “searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11).

  • The Bible (Old and New Testaments) is fully inspired by God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16)
  • God created our world in six literal, 24-hour days, and rested on the seventh day (Gen. 1; 2:1-3; Exodus 20:11).
  • Satan (a fallen angel), led Eve into sin (Gen. 3:1-6; Isaiah 14:12-14; Rev. 12:9)
  • Jesus Christ is the Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the world (1 John 4:14)
  • Jesus Christ has revealed to the entire human family God’s loving character (John 3:16; 14:9)
  • Jesus Christ is fully God and fully Man (John 1:1-3, 14; 1 Tim. 2:5)
  • Jesus was born of a virgin and died on the cross for the sins “of the whole world” (Matthew 1:23; 1 Cor. 15:3; 1 John 2:2)
  • On the third day (Sunday morning), Jesus rose from the dead, as predicted in advance by the Scriptures (Luke 24; 1 Cor. 15:3,4)
  • God is not prejudiced against any race, color, or nation (Acts 17:26; Rom. 2:11; Rev. 7:9)
  • Eternal life is a free gift through Jesus Christ (Rom. 6:23)
  • God’s love brings a sinner to repentance (Rom. 2:4)
  • God calls all to repent and believe in Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21)
  • We must be born again by the power of the Holy Spirit (John 3:6,7)
  • Believers in Jesus should be baptized by immersion (Mat. 3:16,17; Mark 16:15; Acts 2:38,41)
  • We should follow God’s Word above man’s traditions (Mat. 4:4; Col. 2:8)
  • We should treat everyone with love and respect (Eph. 4:25, 5:1, 9)
  • We should keep ourselves “unspotted from the world” (James 1:27)
  • We are living in “the time of the end” (Daniel 12:4,10)
  • By His grace and motivated by love, God’s end-time people will keep the Ten Commandments and the faith of Jesus Christ (John 14:15; Rev. 14:12)
  • Christians should endure tribulation “to the end” (Mat. 24:13; Acts 14:22)
  • The Antichrist of prophecy is “already in the world” (1 John 2:18; 4:3)
  • The major Protestant Reformers were correct about the Antichrist.
  • Jesus Christ is the only Mediator between God and fallen humanity (1 Timothy 2:5)
  • Jesus will not return secretly, but openly and visibly for all to see (Mat. 24:26,27,30,31)
  • There will be “a resurrection of the dead, both the just and the unjust” (Acts 24:15; John 5:28,29)
  • Jesus Christ is “the seed of Abraham” (Galatians 3:16)
  • True believers in Jesus Christ – Jews and Gentiles – become part of Abraham’s seed, “the Israel of God” (Gal. 3:28,29; 6:14-16)
  • Our final home is the New Jerusalem (Hebrews 12:22-24; Rev. 21:1-4, 10-27)
  • All the lost will end up in “the lake of fire, which is the second death” (Revelation 20:14,15)
  • God will make a new heaven and a new earth for His people to live in, where righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:9-14)
  • The truth of the Bible is bigger than any church or denomination.
  • The Bible is our final authority.

Jesus Christ said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall never pass away” (Matthew 24:35).

Mission Statement

White Horse Media is a faith ministry whose biblical mandate is to proclaim “the everlasting gospel” and Three Angels’ Messages (Revelation 14:6-12) to all the world to prepare men, women, teenagers and children for the soon return of Jesus Christ (verses 14-16). Our name, White Horse Media, is taken from Revelation 19:11 which describes Jesus Christ coming on a “white horse” to conquer the global forces of evil. Our commitment is to be wholly on the side of our Savior, motivated by His love, teaching His truth.

Steve Wohlberg (Director)

White Horse Media is directed by television producer, radio host, and international seminar speaker Steve Wohlberg. A Jewish Christian from Los Angeles, Mr. Wohlberg has earned a B.A. degree in Theology from La Sierra College (Riverside, CA) and his Masters of Divinity degree from Andrews Seminary (Berrien Springs, MI). A prolific writer and speaker, he has written 40+ books on a variety of Bible topics, has been a guest on over 500 radio and television shows, has been featured in three History Channel documentaries (Secrets of the Seven Seals; Strange Rituals: the Apocalypse; Armageddon Battle Plan), one National Geographic International documentary (Animal Apocalypse), and has spoken by special invitation inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate.

Deeply appreciated for his solid biblical teaching and Christ-centered focus, Steve Wohlberg’s ministry has become known throughout the world. Because he loves country living and the great outdoors, he currently lives in beautiful Priest River, Idaho, with his lovely wife Kristin, their two children, Seth Michael and Abigail Rose, their dog Eva, and their three cats, Prince, Princess and Lacey. The Wohlbergs are members of the nearby Spirit Lake, ID Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Steve Wohlberg

Steve Wohlberg

Pastor Steve Wohlberg is the Speaker/Director of White Horse Media. TV producer, radio host, seminar speaker, and author of 40+ books, he has been a guest on over 500 radio and television shows. He has also spoken by special invitation inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate. Steve currently lives in Priest River, Idaho, with his wife Kristin, their son Seth Michael, and their daughter Abigail Rose.

Paul Selchow

Paul Selchow

Paul Selchow joined the WHM staff in 2021 as Administrative Director and Corporate Secretary. Prior to joining the ministry, he worked in the manufacturing industry for the past 29 years where he held leadership roles such as Plant Manager and Director of Manufacturing. Paul serves as an elder in his church and counts it a privilege to work for the kingdom of God. He lives in Priest River, ID with his wife Joleen, and they have two adult children, Emily and Eric.

Rob Knott

Rob Knott

Rob Knott serves as the Bible School Director and Associate Speaker at White Horse Media. At the young age of 23, his life took a transformative turn when he attended a Daniel seminar, where he discovered that the prophecies of the Bible are both understandable and deeply relevant. This experience ignited a passion within him to help others grasp the beautiful truths of scripture, which he believes are vital to share during these last days. Through the years, Rob has actively engaged in numerous areas of ministry, such as literature evangelism, prison outreach, and lay preaching.

With a heart for evangelism, Rob travels the country with his wife, Traci, conducting Bible prophecy seminars. He helps his audiences to grasp the true nature of God’s character demonstrated through the life of Jesus. Known for his strait forward and relatable communication style, he connects with audiences making complex Biblical concepts easy to understand. With his enthusiasm and friendly personality, he never tires of telling others about God’s great love for them.

Tricia Hendrickson

Tricia Hendrickson

Tricia Hendrickson  is responsible for bookkeeping and is one of the front office staff that answers the phone. While finishing her Medical Billing degree, she got the opportunity to join the staff at White Horse Media. She’s been working at the office for over a year and she loves it. Working with the ministry has allowed her to be used by God in a way she never thought possible. Being an encouragement to someone, or just being able to offer a word of prayer has been a real blessing to her. Tricia currently resides in Blanchard, ID with her husband Dwain, and children Danyelle and Isaiah.

Jaime Galvez

Jaime Galvez

Jaime Galvez joined the staff in 2016 in the graphic design and video production department. As soon as he arrived from Mexico to Idaho, he decided to live far from the cities and live in Priest River, Idaho. God transformed his life at the same time.  He answered the call to leave the world and under prayer Bible study, asked God to direct his life. Days later, God opened the doors for Jaime to work with this ministry, which for Jaime is an honor to do God’s work. His background has been in photography, graphic design and video production. He is married to Heather. They have 3 children, Lisa, Ximena, and Elijah.

Jeff Kyle

Jeff Kyle is the Web Developer/IT Manager and audio editor/engineer for White Horse Media. His main focus is the development and management of White Horse Media’s internet presence including their online store, YouTube, and Facebook channels. He has a solid background in web design and also manages the information technology for the ministry. Jeff is a musician and enjoys composing and producing soundtrack music for use in God’s work in his spare time. Jeff is married to his wife, Kathy, and they have two sons, Aaron and Donovan.

Kathy Kyle

Kathy Kyle

Kathy Kyle is an Office Assistant at White Horse Media. She works part time assisting with office duties, praying for prayer requests, cleaning and corresponding with inmates. She is married to Jeff who is the Web Developer/IT Manager and Audio Engineer for White Horse Media. They have been married 33 years and have 2 adult sons. In her spare time, she likes to work with her flowers.

Katie Wolcott

Katie Wolcott

Katie Wolcott has been the Director of Partner Relations and Planned Giving since October of 2022. She is a life-long Seventh-day Adventist who received a certificate for Medical Missionary work through an Adventist based health and wellness ministry, LifeTree Natural Wellness Center, and a certificate for Executive Fund Development which is a 3-course program that covers Grant Proposal Writing, Non-Profit Fundraising Strategies, and Leadership in Non-Profit Business, through the University of Notre Dame. After some time spent working at LifeTree, the Lord redirected Kate’s path to take on her current position with White Horse Ministries. Through prayerfully developing and building relationships with
donation partners, Kate’s goal is to help White Horse Ministries spread the Word of God to all the world. Kate is a single mother to her daughter MaKien and son Skyler, and grandmother to MaKien’s son.

Margarita Lordache

Margarita Iordache

Margarita Iordache joined White Horse Media’s design and video production team in 2022. She holds a Master’s Degree in Painting and Drawing from the University of Washington and is dedicated to using her talents in service to God. She supports her husband Valentin who works as a Bible Instructor in the Upper Columbia Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They are happy parents of two amazing children, Chloe and Jesse.

Katie Wolcott

Katie Wolcott

Katie Wolcott has been the Director of Partner Relations and Planned Giving since October of 2022. She is a life-long Seventh-day Adventist who received a certificate for Medical Missionary work through an Adventist based health and wellness ministry, LifeTree Natural Wellness Center, and a certificate for Executive Fund Development which is a 3-course program that covers Grant Proposal Writing, Non-Profit Fundraising Strategies, and Leadership in Non-Profit Business, through the University of Notre Dame. After some time spent working at LifeTree, the Lord redirected Kate’s path to take on her current position with White Horse Ministries. Through prayerfully developing and building relationships with
donation partners, Kate’s goal is to help White Horse Ministries spread the Word of God to all the world. Kate is a single mother to her daughter MaKien and son Skyler, and grandmother to MaKien’s son.

White Horse Media Speakers

White Horse Media is blessed to have a group of speakers who diligently work to spread the good news of Jesus Christ around the world. To request a seminar with them, please visit their individual profiles below.

Recommended Singers for White Horse Media Seminars

Neville Peter

Blind recording artist and gospel singer Neville Peter has sung during seminars conducted by Steve Wohlberg and Pastor Sean Harris. He sings beautifully! Neville was diagnosed with Glaucoma at an early age, and completely blind by the age of 12. He has remarkably developed his gifts as a singer and musician. Today, he shines as one of the bright emerging talents in the gospel industry. While in college he was voted National College Jazz Male Vocalist of the Year by Downbeat Magazine. Neville gave his life and career completely to God in 1998, and has since penned more than 100 gospel songs. His music was featured on the gospel project of the legendary Gladys Knight, and his music videos have been featured on BET’s Video Gospel Program. He has shared the stage in ministry with such notables as Andrae Crouch, Shirley Caesar, Donnie McClurkin, Yolanda Adams, Richard Smallwood, BeBe Winans and many others. He has performed at the White House, Carnegie Hall and appeared on many television programs including TBN’s “Praise the Lord” program, Bobby Jones Gospel Show, and on the Three Angels Broadcasting Network.. His website is: https://nevillepeter.com/

To contact Neville directly for scheduling, his email is neville@nevillepeter.com


Media Kit

Steve Wohlberg is the Speaker/Director of White Horse Media (Priest River, ID). With B.A. and M-Div. degrees in Theology, he is the Executive Producer of numerous television series (Israel in Prophecy, Amazing Discoveries, Antichrist Chronicles, His Voice Today, Finding Hope in Depression and Despair, Body Battles), currently hosts Bible Talks with Steve Wohlberg, and has authored 40+ books. A world traveler and international speaker, he has conducted Bible prophecy seminars in Russia, South Africa, Canada, Pakistan, New Zealand, Australia, and in cities throughout the U.S. He has also spoken inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate. Widely considered to be a biblical expert, he is a sought-after speaker on current events and their connection to biblical topics. 

Mr. Wohlberg has been a guest on over 500 radio and television shows, including CNN Radio, USA Radio, American Family Radio, Information Radio Network, Cable Radio Network, Focus 4, At Home Live!, and The Harvest Show. He has also appeared three times on The History Channel. Mr. Wohlberg is articulate, well-informed, and extremely capable of fielding questions from a live audience. He currently lives in Priest River, ID, with his wife Kristin, their daughter Abigail Rose, one dog (Eva), and three cats (Prince, Princess, and Lacy). He is an avid gardener and enjoys the great outdoors. 

Some of his books include:

  • End Time Delusions: The Rapture, the Antichrist, Israel, and the End of the World (Destiny Image, 2004)
  • Will My Pet Go to Heaven? (WinePress Publishing, 2002; reprinted by Amazing Facts, 2006)
  • From Hollywood to Heaven (Pacific Press Publishing Assoc, 2006)
  • Demons in Disguise: The Dangers of Talking to the Dead (Destiny Image, 2007)
  • The Bloody Woman and the Seven-Headed Beast (Present Truth Publications, 2020)
  • Approaching Armageddon (Destiny Image, 2020) 
  • The 666 Beast Identified (Present Truth Publications, 2020)

To schedule an interview, media only may contact Steve Wohlberg
directly at 1-559-977-9744 / steve@whitehorsemedia.com.

What radio hosts say about Steve Wohlberg:

Steve is as engaging with listeners as he is intelligent. An hour with Steve on the air seems like 15 minutes as his insights and information are a breath of fresh air. His sense of timing is uncommonly good, even for major market radio. Mr. Wohlberg is the real deal.

Thor Tolo, Host
“Live From Seattle”
820 AM KGNW (4-6pm daily)

Steve Wohlberg was an absolute delight to have on our program. It was awesome to have a guest that first of all has a heart for our Lord and a desire to honor Him. Couple that with Steve’s well researched book and his preparedness for our many callers, and you have the workings of a great show. Steve also made our job as hosts much easier as his responses were brief giving us opportunity to go to commercial breaks as necessary. He is a wonderful communicator and we will look forward to having him back on Point of View.

Carmen Pate
Co-host, Point of View
USA Radio Network

Steve, Greetings again from American Family Radio. Thank you so much for being on our program Today’s Issues. You were a blessing to us and to our listeners. The interview was very interesting and informative. Thank you for giving us your time and expertise. If we can be of further service to you, please let us know. Thanks again!

In Christ,
Tim, Marvin, & Cindy,
The Today’s Issues Team,

Dear Steve, You’ve been an enlightening, thought-provoking guest each time of several that you’ve been on Sound Off on KPRL Radio. From pets to witches … you have a keen way of tying important topics and issues together … You don’t pull punches with your opinions and comments, but you also don’t philosophize, idealize or go ‘over-the-top’ in your well-researched and down-to-earth factual assessments of what people are thinking … To see the phenomenal response you garner from listeners quickly makes me understand that you are certainly on the right track … You, in fact, light up the phones without psychobabble, rhetoric or hyperbole … A great guest and well informed. A true believer in what he says — captivating an audience, a reader or a congregant into at least thinking … “He sounds like he knows what he’s talking about!” My best to you, as always,

Joe Benson
News Director
KPRL Radio
Paso Robles, CA

In a day when many so called experts only spot read a subject, Steve is a breath of fresh air as he not only cautions us about the subtle messages of Wicca and Harry Potter, but has actually become an expert by reading all the books! Steve is a great guest, and I highly recommend him as an expert on the subtle, and not so subtle, traps of Harry Potter.

Dr. Rus D. Jeffrey
News Director
Live Line Talk
1420 WACK

Hey Steve! I’d definitely love to have you on again!

Rick Walker, Host
89.7 PowerFM
Sundays (9:00 pm)

Enjoyed having Steve Wohlberg on and received several positive comments.

Mike Martin, Host
The Evening Show

Steve appeared on my show recently and we discussed recent events in the Middle
East and the subject of Armageddon as it relates to Biblical prophecies. Even though my program is a secular talk show, the response from the audience shows that there is a great need for more discussion and awareness of Biblical prophecy as it relates to our current times. I wish more programs would have Steve on because he is both spiritual and intellectual. In other words, you
can’t argue with this guy. His message is on the mark.

Steve Norris, Host
“The Steve Norris Show”
Gillette, Wyoming

Useful Links

White Horse Media Online Bible School

A Man named Jesus Christ walked throughout the land of Israel nearly two thousand years ago, yet His radical teachings are still felt around the world today. Who really was Jesus? What did He teach? Have His predictions come true? Join Steve Wohlberg and Rob Knott in a life-changing journey exploring rocks, temples, ancient cities, the past, the present, and the future. 26 exciting lessons. You will receive a certificate after completing the course. Enroll now!

Help for the Remnant

The book of Revelation reveals that Satan is now waging a fierce war against those who resist his lies and choose to keep God’s “holy, just, and good” law (Romans 7:12). They are God’s “Remnant” people. To help commandment-keepers, White Horse Media launched a new website, HelpfortheRemnant.com, to help God’s Remnant Church.

The Crowning Act

World religions expect a coming messiah. What if the WRONG one appears? Nearly a year in the making, “The Crowning Act” is White Horse Media’s newest 30-minute docudrama which: 1) Exposes Satan’s soon-coming personation of Jesus Christ to unite all religions, and 2) Reveals Bible facts about the Second Coming of Jesus in the clouds with millions of holy angels. “Behold,” says God’s Word, “He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him.” Revelation 1:7. Multiple end-time issues are also portrayed. Steve Wohlberg presents the closing epilogue. For more information about God’s infinite love, how to be saved, the Second Coming, the beast, its deadly mark, false signs and wonders, and much more, visit https://www.TheCrowningAct.com

Discover What’s Coming

The latest information about upcoming “The Last Days of America” seminars with Steve Wohlberg.

Good News for Muslims
“Good News for Muslims” explores Islam, the Quran, Christianity, the Bible, and Jesus Christ. Shahbaz, who grew up in Iran, is Steve Wohlberg’s guest in this fascinating, eye-opening 13-part series that will inspire your heart and bring peace to your soul. Watch the entire 13-part series online for FREE!

God: Fact or Fiction?

This fascinating 14-part series featuring Subodh Pandit, MD, explores the Big Bang, evolution, science, the existence of God, and the claims of religion. Intellectually honest. Engaging. Challenging. It will keep you on the edge of your seat!

Secrets of Inner Peace
People everywhere are fighting the battles of life. Real peace of mind is rare. Secrets of Inner Peace explains how deep, inner peace is possible through Jesus Christ, “the Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6), and through the power of His Word. This is a fully illustrated eBook that includes an audio version read by Steve Wohlberg.

Prophecy Countdown

Prophecies from the Bible are unfolding in front of our eyes. Life-changing events are stirring, leaving most of us in fear of the future. But God saw it all coming and the Bible will give you the answers to be free of fear and anxiety in these chaotic times. This recorded audio event is designed for anyone interested in the predictions of the Bible, signs of prophecy in our world today, or understanding global issues and their effect on Christian lives today.

Warn the Cities
On July 23, 2016, a unique convocation, sponsored by White Horse Media and the Nashville First Seventh-day Adventist Church, brought together many pastors and church members throughout Nashville for prayer, Bible study, and discussion about how to best do God’s will in warning Nashville and other cities about the coming judgments of God. This Convocation was streamed LIVE on July 23rd and made into a DVD. We hope this Convocation will be used by God to ignite both a revival and an earnest, spiritually balanced, Christ-centered “warn the cities” movement among God’s people worldwide, resulting in many other similar events and the salvation of souls.

White Horse Media’s Articles
Steve shares his thoughts and studies with timely articles about current events, prophecy, and life issues.

The Truth about Steve Wohlberg
Powerful testimonies about how God is using White Horse Media and Steve Wohlberg to reach the world for Jesus Christ. If Steve’s ministry has been a blessing to you, come and share your testimony here.

Steve Wohlberg on Facebook
Stay up to date on Facebook with information and news from White Horse Media and Steve Wohlberg.

Steve Wohlberg on Twitter
Follow Steve Wohlberg on Twitter for timely news and updates.

White Horse Media on YouTube
White Horse Media presents many of Steve Wohlberg’s powerful programs on YouTube.

White Horse Media on Rumble

White Horse Media on Brighteon

His Voice Today
The best of White Horse Media and Steve Wohlberg material about how to prepare for the End of the World. Watch Steve Wohlberg videos online for free. Avoid deception. Learn Bible truth. Discover how to find peace with God and receive eternal life.

The Ten Commandments from God
The Ten Commandments are from God and have never been changed! Discover truth and lies about law and grace.

Fountain Valley Remedies
Highway to Health offers fabulous and great tasting ‘super food’ nutritional drinks, natural detox aids, and lots of eye-opening articles and videos that may save your life! Bon Appetit!

Why Disasters?
It’s time to tell the world the true reason why deadly disasters such as killer earthquakes, massive tsunamis, monstrous tornados, raging fires, devastating floods and horrific hurricanes are increasing by sharing widely this amazing, eye-opening and inexpensive new tract penned by Steve Wohlberg, Speaker/Director of White Horse Media.

No Secret Rapture
Steve Wohlberg’s book ‘The Rapture Delusions’ exposes the popular yet unbiblical ‘Secret Rapture’ doctrine while explaining what the Bible really teaches about the soon return of Jesus Christ.

Avoid Twilight
Steve Wohlberg’s book, The Trouble with Twilight, exposes Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga and real vampirism.

Toxic Trouble
Steve Wohlberg tells the touching story of his own son’s mysterious seizure disorder, how the Wohlberg’s discovered its hidden, underlying cause, and the path to healing. Loaded with credible, practical insights, his book could literally save your life, and the lives of those you love.

Avoid Harry Potter
Exposing shocking secrets about the influence of Harry Potter and unveiling hidden dangers within the Wicca movement.

Avoid the Dead
Steve Wohlberg delves deeply into the ghostly trend and national obsession of talking to the dead in America and around the world.

Steve Wohlberg’s EzineArticles
Powerful articles by Steve Wohlberg.

The official website of Larren Cole

God Made Me
God’s design of our living world is so profoundly amazing, but even more so is His crowning act of Creation which is the miracle of the human being. The God Made Me program is designed in a week-long format with a literary and hands-on curriculum. Students will engage in effective, yet simple learning strategies as they are introduced to the basic form and function of their body.