“In the visions of God,” wrote the prophet Ezekiel nearly 2,500 years ago, “He took me into the land of Israel and set me on a very high mountain” (Ezekiel 40:2). God then showed Ezekiel an incredibly detailed view of a “temple,” including its priesthood and offerings. Today, a debate rages among many prophecy-minded Christians over when, or even if, such a temple will ever be built. Soon? During the Millennium? Never? Recently Johnny Cirucci and I took a deep dive into this mega-topic. You can watch our discussion entitled, “Unraveling Ezekiel’s Temple,” here.
I am pleased to announce that it won’t be long until White Horse Media launches our Bible international school. It’s taken a lot of work, but the task is nearly done. Stay tuned!
Join me this Thursday at 4 pm Pacific Time for my next Thursday Live! on Facebook and YouTube. My topic is: “Flee from the Wrath to Come!” (see Matthew 3:7).
Keep looking up,