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It’s Here! Satan’s War Against the Godhead (Order Now)


Of all the books I have written, none has been such a struggle as Satan’s War Against the Godhead. I’ve had personal battles writing this book. When 4000 copies were finally printed nearly a month ago, many parts were defective—some of which even the printer can’t explain. It’s a mystery. So, the whole batch needed to be reprinted. In three days, I will fly to Hilo, Hawaii for a 4-part seminar on this vital topic, and I have been praying earnestly that the new books will arrive at White Horse Media before I leave so I can take them with me.  Thank God, they arrived today and look great. Here is a short video explaining what Satan’s War Against the Godhead is about:

This book will take you on an amazing journey as you discover deep biblical truths about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. See Matthew 28:19. As you read it, I think you will understand why Satan and his wicked angels don’t want this book distributed. They put up a fight, but they lost because our Lord Jesus Christ and His mighty angels are stronger than they are. Paul wrote: “May the God of peace crush Satan under your feet shortly.” Romans 16:20 

Satan’s War Against the Godhead is only $4.99. Order online, or by calling 1-800-782-4253. If you would like to help White Horse Media with its costs to release this book, you can donate here

Finally, it’s now available from White Horse Media.

God is so good!


  1. Thank you so much Pastor for all you do for God’s church. I’ve been noticing this battle with the Godhead doctrine for several years now and it makes me very sad. I will try to purchase your book, God bless you and your beautiful family. sincerely, Mary Ellen Mainville, Wallace Calif.

    1. The book is not available as a PDF file however it is available as a Kindle, Nook, or Apple ebook which you can purchase through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Apple Books.

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