Note: This page provides information about White Horse Media’s new “The Coming Judgments of God” tracts.
The Bible says, “When Your Judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness” (Isaiah 26:9).
Because of the world’s increasing gross wickedness, God’s righteous “judgments” are now “in the earth.” We are informed that “In quick succession the judgments of God will follow one another–fire and flood and earthquake, with war and bloodshed” (9T, 97). Yes, God is kind, compassionate and merciful, but also holy and just (see Exodus 34:5-7). As it was in the time of Noah (see Genesis 6-9), ancient Sodom (see Genesis 19), and ancient Egypt (see Exodus 7-12), even so today are God’s judgments falling as merciful wake-up calls to sinners sleeping in sin, before its too late.
Make no mistake about it: Much larger disasters than we’ve ever witnessed are pending. Soon “the seven last plagues” will come (see Revelation 16). When that apocalyptic time finally hits (and it surely will), the opportunity for repentance, forgiveness and salvation will be forever past (see Revelation 22:11,12).
Now is the time for “the inhabitants of the world” to “learn righteousness” (Isaiah 26:9). Now is the time to warn the lost to find shelter in Jesus Christ, while mercy lingers. Again we are told that “The time is near when large cities will be swept away, and all should be warned of these coming judgments” (Evangelism, 29).
At White Horse Media, we take this counsel very seriously. Under God’s guidance, we have developed a plan to make it easy for you to participate in sounding Heaven’s warning. We have developed these four unique tracts on “The Coming Judgments of God”:
1) “The Coming Judgments of God Upon Nashville.” Formatted for mailing to zip codes in and around Nashville.
2) “The Coming Judgments of God Upon Cities.” With a “Contact Us” box. Formatted for mailing to zip codes anywhere.
3) “The Coming Judgments of God Upon Cities.” Without a “Contact Us” box. Formatted for mailing to zip codes anywhere.
4) “The Coming Judgments of God Upon Cities.” Not for mailing, but to be distributed by hand far and wide.
Tracts 1-3 above are in the hands of College Press in TN. If you would like to sponsor the mailing of any of tracts 1-3 which will be mailed to zip codes, contact College Press directly @ 423-396-2164, or by email They are now ready to hear from sponsors/donors. Choose your tract. Give them the zip codes. Outside of Nashville (Tract 1), the choice is up to you whether you want to include local “Contact Us” information on the tract (Tract 2) or not (Tract 3).
If you want tracts to give away by hand (Tract 4), these should be ordered directly from White Horse Media. Prices are as follows:
- 1-499 – .35 each
- 500-2499 – .30 each
- 2500 and higher – .25 each
In addition to offering our “The Time is At Hand! Information Packet,” each tract above also directs readers to our website,, which is a portal to lots of information about God’s love, His character of mercy and justice, His coming judgments, Heaven’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, and many other Bible topics.
Please pray for “The Coming Judgments of God” project.
God bless you!