Independence Day / Thrilling Reports


Tomorrow, July 4, is “Independence Day” in the U.S. when Americans will celebrate our country’s freedom from tyrannical British rule in 1776. Freedom. Independence. Let’s explore this a bit. 

Jesus said, “Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.” John 8:34. A person may live in a free country yet be in bondage to sin and Satan. Only Jesus can rescue us. “If the Son shall set you free,” Jesus continued, “you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36. True freedom comes from Jesus. He alone can “set” us free from pride, lust, hatred, depraved appetites, destructive addictions, and every other evil. But how can we experience true freedom from sin? Paradoxically, it only comes when we renounce all independence from God and surrender fully to His loving will. So, on this “Independence Day,” when we reflect upon and appreciate the noble sacrifices others have made so we can live in a free country, let’s realize that the deepest freedom comes, not from earthly governments or armies, but from our Savior, who died for our sins, and rose again. This Independence Day, let’s be fully DEPENDENT on Him. 

Steve Peden, Director of “Project Steps to Christ” (PSTC), recently wrote: “Yesterday we launched a $10,000 ad campaign for Israel & The End of The World and generated 161 leads in the first day at a cost of 19 cents per lead. If we maintain that kind of response (and it may get better), we will generate close to 59,000 leads in one year. If I can double or triple by campaign ad spend, we can triple the number of leads.”

Through donations to “The True Israel Project,” Project Steps to Christ is now offering our Israel & The End of The World book for FREE on Facebook in targeted areas. The contact information (of those who respond and receive a free book) is then sent to churches (who sponsor these books) to follow up with readers, develop friendships, and answer questions. This incredible project is now reaching thousands who are searching for a deeper understanding of Israel, Bible prophecy, and our Lord Jesus Christ. To learn how your church can participate in this God-ordained outreach, contact Project Steps to Christ

White Horse Media’s recent video, “New Light about the Mark of the Beast,” now has 45,000+ views. God is using it mightily. If you haven’t watched it, check it out. 

Testimony: “God bless you. I’m listening from Zagreb, Croatia and love your program. It is simple and helps a lot.” Jasminka Kuburic

On this 4th of July, may we all experience true freedom of soul through the power of our Savior and Best Friend, Jesus Christ. 

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