WHM to Launch International Bible School. $11,000 Needed


Here’s some exciting news. For weeks we have been impressed to launch a White Horse Media Bible School. As part of our preparation, God has also guided us to my good friend Rob Knott (more about him later), who has agreed to head up our school. We have been researching which Bible Guides to use, but then something happened. Last weekend my associate Paul Selchow and I attended an event in Christmas Valley, Oregon. There we met Pastor Charles Byrd, and his wife Karen. Their ministry, QuestLine Productions, raised nearly a million dollars to produce a stunning on-location-in-Israel video Bible Course entitled, Thunder in the Holy Land, which will soon become the basis of our Bible School. Below is Program 1 (30 minutes). It’s outstanding!

“For $11,000, we can insert you into this series,” Pastor Byrd told me in Oregon. “But you must come soon to our studio in Grants Pass, Oregon, for we are moving our entire ministry to Tennessee in a few weeks.” Back in Idaho, our team met, talked, prayed, and decided to move forward. We booked our tickets and hotel. Rob Knott and I will be in Grants Pass July 18-21. Karen Byrd has already sent me the scripts. Rob will get training. During July 18-21, we will record and I will then become the host (being ‘inserted’ into each program) of the entire Thunder in the Holy Land series. Once this is done, it will appear on the new website of our White Horse Media Bible School. Rob will lead the school, and after some training, we will launch it internationally so people around the world can watch the entire Thunder in the Holy Land series, go through companion online Bible lessons, learn biblical truth, receive support, and then be trained to share this Bible Course with others. 

We are so excited!

Again, the cost is $11,000, which is small compared to nearly 1 million dollars which it took to produce Thunder. For $11,000, I will be ‘inserted’ as the host of the entire series (so viewers will see me, not Pastor Byrd). Then White Horse Media will launch our Bible School online so more people around the world can learn of Jesus and about His end-time Bible messages. 

If the Holy Spirit impresses you to help with the $11,000, here’s what to do. 

  1. Go to our Credit Card donate page here
  2. After adding your information, find “Apply Donation to” and select “Special Projects.” 
  3. Then under “Specify Special Project,” select “Bible School.”
  4. Or donate by phone (1-800-782-4253), or by check. In either case, let us know it is for the Bible School. 

If we receive more than $11,000, we can use those funds to help pay Rob Knott’s salary, and for related expenses. 

We trust the Lord will provide. I’ll keep you posted on the progress.

God is good!

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