First, after only two weeks, our newest video, “7 Facts about the Mark of the Beast,” has nearly 90,000 views! Praise God!
Next, I’m in Missouri and will speak four times tomorrow (Oct 29) about “Jesus Christ’s Closing Work” explaining what our Savior is doing NOW to prepare us for His soon return. The four titles are:
- Jesus Christ’s Earthly Work
- Jesus Christ’s Heavenly Work
- The Foundation of His Thone
- Our Battle with the Scapegoat
This is a new 4-part series never given before. All presentations will be straight from the Word of God. I am deeply impressed with the importance of this new series and would appreciate your prayers. The good news is that you can watch it live. The details can be found by clicking the link below. Tune in if you can.
“Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” Revelation 22:20,21