I hope you are well and that your faith in Jesus is strong. We are all fine here in North Idaho (thank the Lord!). Here is Part 2 of our new 2-part series analyzing Jonathan Cahn’s new book, The Dragon’s Prophecy. One viewer wrote: “Well spoken and well taught. Although I have only followed your ministry for about 4 years, I believe you have the truth. I like all your books on end-time prophecies. Thanks and God bless.” Jerry Stilwell
We hope Part 2 is a blessing to you.
So much is happening in our world and in churches. The fierce battle between Jesus and Satan keeps intensifying. For our next Thursday Live! Dec. 12, from 4-5 pm PT, my topic will be: A Time for Heroes. “What manner of persons ought [we] to be”? (2 Peter 3:11) as we deal with current issues and approach earth’s final crisis? To discover God’s answer, don’t miss our next Thursday Live!
It is such a privilege for our team at White Horse Media to be daily involved in God’s work and to know He is working through us to enlighten others and encourage His dear saints.
As always, keep looking up,