Record-breaking Hail in Colorado


By Amanda Schmidt, AccuWeather staff writer

A version of this article was first published on:

Monster hail fell from the sky and hammered areas of the central United States on Tuesday, shattering a state record. Earlier on Tuesday before the storms developed, AccuWeather Extreme Meteorologist Reed Timmer warned that Colorado’s state hail record could be in jeopardy given the intensity of the storms that he saw developing.

His prediction came to fruition on Tuesday afternoon when a hailstone with an unofficial measurement of a maximum diameter of 4.83 inches fell in Bethune, Colorado, on Tuesday afternoon. The record was confirmed on Wednesday evening by the Colorado Climate Center and the National Weather Service office in Goodland, Kansas. The previous state record in Colorado was 4.5 inches.

As the Colorado Climate Center said on Twitter, photos indicate that the stone could have been even larger than recorded due to the time in between its falling and when it was put in the freezer.

The weight of the record-breaking hailstone came in at 8.5 ounces.

Read the full story

One Comment

  1. Hello,

    Two things:
    1) The link doesn’t work properly. It just gives an error message:

    2) I’ve been having this question for years, but have not found anyone with the answer to it as of today. Maybe you can help me sort it out? I hope so. My question is the following: EGW uses Zechariah 14:4, to say that Jesus foot touches mt. Olives at the end of the 1000 years when the New Jerusalem descends from heaven and settles on the earth. I have been looking in the context of Zechariah 14 to figure out what textual clues can be used to place this happening after the 1000 years, but I have not been able to find them so far. It sounds more like either the second coming or a mix between the second coming and a local situation happening somewhere on earth. I know that other Christians (futurists) have the idea that this is talking about the second coming, and I feel like I have to be able to give a reason for the hope that is in me. Would you be able to help me with this?

    I hope you have some input on this.


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