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The Truth about the Sabbath


What day is God’s holy day? Saturday? Or Sunday? The Truth about the Sabbath explains the facts from Scripture and history. Available in softcover, Kindle eBook, Nook eBook, and Apple eBook formats.

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Product Description

What day is God’s holy day? Saturday? Or Sunday? The Truth about the Sabbath provides a vast wealth of easy-to-understand information from the Old and New Testaments, the teaching of Jesus Christ, church history, and Bible prophecy. Steve Wohlberg’s well-researched new book examines this issue from many sides, answers common questions, and sets forth biblical truths as clearly as the sun shines. Enlightening. Comprehensive. Great for sharing.

Available formats: (make your selection using the drop-down above)

  • Softcover book
  • Kindle eBook (purchased through external site)
  • Nook eBook (purchased through external site)
  • Apple eBook (purchased through external site)

BULK PRICING (softcover book only):

10-49 copies = $3.49 each
50 or more copies = $3.00 each

Additional Information

Weight 2.65 oz
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.13 in
Available Formats

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3 reviews for The Truth about the Sabbath

  1. Daniel

    Will you make this booklet availavle in ebook in Kindle just like the other Steve had published?
    Please let me know,

    • WHM Admin

      “The Truth about the Sabbath” is a self-published book. We may consider releasing it as an ebook in the future but we do not yet know how soon it would be released. Thank you for the great suggestion.

  2. JD. Huffan

    This is an Excellent Book in every way. It deals with all aspects of The Sabbath, straight to the point, no long drawn out boring lectures, a no-nonsense well rounded guide to understanding the Biblical origin, foundation, design and purpose of the Sabbath, proving from Scripture the enduring perpetuity, and motivation for a loving, cheerful, and willing obedience to The God of our Salvation, as well as giving practical biblical guidance on how to properly keep The Sabbath, and revealing the necessity to be faithful to the true LORD’s Day, which actually is loyalty to the LORD Who died for us on The Cross, because His HOLY Law could not be changed.

  3. Nathaniel J. Merritt

    This is one of the first books I read when I began studying and praying about the Sabbath. You will find it surprisingly thorough, and successfully dealing with all of the main arguments (in a Christlike manner) of those who oppose Christians observing the true Sabbath. My wife read it as well and we were both convinced that the Lord desires all Christians to observe the Lord’s Day which is the Saturday Sabbath, for the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. This book is also excellent for those in your orbit who are questioning and seeking as to God’s Sabbath.

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