It’s a new year with new opportunities for White Horse Media. Because our supporters (many of YOU) gave generously last month (Thank you!), we just started a new Podcast Campaign with FrontGate Media. This time, the topic is HELL. Click the picture below to see the full release now being sent to podcast hosts. Join us in earnest prayer that this will result in many interviews.
Our newest video on our YouTube is about THE MARK OF THE BEAST. So much speculation exits about this mysterious topic. Watch our video to discover the facts straight from the Word of God.
Our next Thursday Live! is tomorrow, Jan. 16, from 4-5 pm PT. The topic: Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit. Q & A, too. Get your questions answered about “the unpardonable sin” Jesus said “will not be forgiven, either in this age, or in the age to come.” Matthew 12:32
FYI, FrontGate Media will also send appeals to podcast hosts to interview me about the terrible fires in California. Please pray for the firefighters and those in harms way during this terrible crisis.
May Jesus come soon and take us all to a better land.