New WHM Book: The 666 Beast Identified: What It Means To YOU


At the end of 2021, I am thrilled to report that my newest book, The 666 Beast Identified: What It Means To YOU, is now available from White Horse Media. Watch my brief 4-minute report: 

7,000 copies arrived today at our headquarters in North Idaho. As you can see from the picture below, it’s very cold up here right now, yet our hearts are warm.

Look carefully. The Holy Bible says, “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” Revelation 13:18. In The 666 Beast Identified you will discover exactly who the beast is (he is even now starting to deceive the world), exactly what “the name of the beast” is (that adds up to 666), and what it means to you. 

Be warned. This topic is extremely controversial! Yet we all need to know God’s truth. As you can see above, the cost of The 666 Beast Identified is less than $4 per book. You can order online, or by calling 1-800-782-4253. If you aren’t sure what’s in it, you can read the first two chapters for free here

The incredible background behind this book, and what’s really inside it, is too much for me to tell in this short e-news. But I hope you will trust me when I say that if you read it, you will find it to be most enlightening, plus it will help you prepare for the soon return of Jesus Christ. “Behold, I come quickly!” Jesus says, “Blessed is he that keeps the prophecy of this book.” Revelation 22:7.

As 2021 closes, we welcome any final, end-of-the-year donations to White Horse Media. Thank you!

From the front lines in the battle to uphold God’s truth, 



  1. After reading your promo and the first two chapters on line which were great, I attempted to order online this morning but was unable to… no screen gave me the opportunity to order even when I clicked the “online” button embedded in the copy which the online button displayed after clicking on it. So please check why it isn’t working or what I may be doing wrong and advise how to order online? Thanks.

    1. David, you can place your order here: Select which version of the book you want (softcover or eBook) using the “Available Formats” dropdown on the product page. If ordering the softcover version, click the Add to Cart button and then either click the shopping cart icon at the top of the page to begin checkout or go to after adding the book to the cart. You can proceed to checkout from there. If you continue to have issues, you can also call our office at 1-800-782-4253 Monday through Thursday, 9am to 4:30pm Pacific time and we’d be happy to help you place your order over the phone.

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