With the help of FrontGate Media and funds from our generous supporters, White Horse Media’s two-month (Aug/Sept) Podcast campaign continues with more booked interviews. My recent interview on the “In Awe By Bruce” podcast is now available for you to listen to:
More interviews are scheduled for later this week and next week. In the meantime, FrontGate Media is now actively trying to get me on the Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson shows. Please join us in prayer that God will open these big doors so I can share His Bible truths with millions of viewers.
Our next Thursday Live! is tomorrow (Aug. 15) from 4-5 pm Pacific Time. My topic is: Signs, Wonders, Miracles. Are all miracles from God? Can Satan produce counterfeit “signs and wonders”? You’ll find out tomorrow during my next Thursday Live! Join us, and ask questions, too.
Jesus warned: “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.” Matthew 24:24,25
May God help us not to be misled.