Election Alert: Should We Vote? Help White Horse Media Spread God’s Word.


November 5 is Election Day for the US. “To vote, or not to vote,” that is the question. This morning I read a fantastic article about this topic written by a friend of mine, Wyatt Allen, entitled, “Controversy Alert: My Personal Reflection on My Civic Duty of Voting.” I found it to be thoughtful and balanced, so I decided to share it with our White Horse Media e-news readers.

White Horse Media is receiving A LOT of new orders for my two books, Israel and the End of the World and The Light at the End. We created a flyer about these books which you can share with your church (or with anyone) to help spread the word.

You can grab this flyer on your computer, or if you prefer, just email me (steve@whitehorsemedia.com) and I will send it to you as a PDF. Because the Middle East is in turmoil, because Iran and Israel are nearing all out war, and because so many are so confused about prophecy and what the future really holds, these two books are “for such a time as this.”

More FrontGate Media interviews keep coming in, including one on America and Bible Prophecy scheduled for Election Day. I’ll keep you posted.

No matter what happens, as the saying goes, “God is good all the time.” Where would we be without Jesus? Nowhere. But because of our loving Savior, we have a strong hope both in this present world “and in the world to come” (Mark 10:30) when God makes “all things new!” Revelation 21:5.

Keep trusting Jesus, no matter what.

One Comment

  1. Dear Mr. Wohlberg,

    Today, after watching Sabbath service on line at Granite Bay Hill Top 7th-day Adventist Church, I was prompted to go into your blog, (not certain if that is the right avenue). Read most of the reading you have posted and felt the need to contact you.

    I am a Seventh-day Adventist born to Adventist parents who lived their life by the Holy Word. I refer to myself as a Born Christian for Christ was and has been with me all the way on this earthly journey of 89 years. Seven months ago, my loving family placed me into a Senior Independente Living Facility.

    The place is very well run by Christian Staff. There are 85 apartments of which at least half of these are occupied by Mr. and Mrs., the rest of us are single widow or widower. I must think that most of the people here are Christians of one Denomination or other, I am the only 7th-day Christian.

    To be respectful and congenial I do not delve into discussion either politics or religion unless I am question on the subject and need of course to answer. By God’s grace and the Holy Spirit prompt, I try to live according to my Christian’s belief.
    I do feel that I must in some way or another make certain that all these dear elderly people come to the real Truth according to the Holy Word of God their Creator before it is too late. I am thinking of sending for some of your pamphlet but I need to make sure it is the one which will bring them to their Savior. We are a conglomeration of simple, educated, and some professional man and woman. Will you direct me to the brochures that are best to leave around the premise. Thank you for your help.

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