If you missed our last message, “Modern Babylon Identified!” you can watch the replay below. “Excellent presentation on Babylon!” wrote my good friend Brian McMahon. This Bible-based message hits large issues head on and speaks plainly about the Roman Catholic Church and modern Protestants, many of whom are linking up with Rome. As they say, there was “no beating around the bush.” Here is the link.
FYI, I am almost finished with a manuscript for a new upcoming book entitled, Babylon and the Beast: Decoding Revelation 17. I hope to finish it soon, and then to send it to a publisher. Pray for me.
The times in which we live require us to speak plainly, boldly, yet respectfully, with love for others. “Speaking the truth in love,” wrote Paul, we will “grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.” Ephesians 4:15.
As the final storm gets closer, may God help us all,